Sunday, April 02, 2006

The (Roman Catholic Cathedral) Church of Our Lady and St Phillip, gift of Henry Fitzalan-Howard, 15th Duke of Norfolk, commissioned in 1868 and opened in 1873. The stlye is the French Gothic of about 1400, the architect was Joseph Hansom, widely known as the inventor of the Hansom Cab.

Great Rose window.

A shrine for Phillip, 13th Duke of Norfolk, sentenced to death by Elizabeth I, but who died in his imprisonment, one of forty English martyrs canonised by Pope Paul VI in 1970. Written into the step to the shrine

Quanto plus afflictionis pro Christo in hoc saeculo, tanto plus gloriae cum Christo in futuro. Arundell - June 22, 1587.

translates to "The more affliction we endure for Christ in this world, the more glory we shall obtain with Christ in the next." which Phillip cut into the fireplace over the fireplace in Beauchamp Tower which can still be seen in the Tower of London.

This is not a Hansom Cab, but it was parked behind the Cathedral. For getting back after those late night masses.


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