Sunday, July 16, 2006

Elanor's Twenty-third birthday party on The Green Park and Afterward at All Bar One Wine Bar

This exhange of company coincided with a football match in the World Cup, and several of the male members of the sex started the first part of the afternoon watching this televisually. Clare O'Neill had to depart for some time, travelling to ascertain whether her lodgings had been properly secured from the members of the public and the private fraternities, and another member of the group travelled, in vain, in search of a supermarket for provisions. The fruit of the cherry tree was in plentiful abundance, with cans of lager, some wines and a jelly impregnated with marshmellows also consumed. Jeremy Davies and his female companion were noticable in thier attendance, having travelled down from a different nation, and some other choice acquaintances were present also. The second stage of the afternoon was a walk to a wine bar, for refreshment, whereupon the group was collectively asked to provide proof of age (beyond a badge, if it was indeed present, reading '23 today'). John Russell ordered an evacuation of the wine bar, in protest and removal of custom, but the birthday girl shyly clung on.

Elanor begins to inflate a plastic football. Later to be used as a tool of anti-social disturbance.

Jeremy writes his salutations.

An older gentleman with a carrier bag.

The party faltering on the Strand on its way to a wine bar/bistro.


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