Sunday, November 12, 2006

Coca-Cola delivery.

During my second night in Fez I treated myself to a stay in an expensive hotel.

I made my way to a ruined fort outside the city walls.

While taking dinner, my Kiwi acquaintances arrived and we met by coincidence, they having shed some of thier company but having gained a new recruit. They did not appear particularly pleased to see me, but then they did not seem particularly pleased about anything. One of my lady acquainances was desirous of some salt, and I attempted to communicate this to a gentleman on the table opposite. There was a pause and the he said in a thick frnech accent "In my country, we say 'excuse me', introduce ourselves, and then politely request the salt." I remonstrated that this was a practice also followed in my native country, not particular to that of Louis XIV.

Children collecting metal cans for scrap.

Yet another break-down.

Girl at bus-stop.


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