Sunday, November 12, 2006

Matthias used our trip to Volubilis as a masterclass in his technique in negotiation. Despite the fact that the grand taxis work on a mathematical principle of six passengers filling six seats Matthias considered it clever to walk off from the taxi rank at the point of critical mass. We went to Vinopolis by Moulay Idriss, a holy city in which non-Muslims cannot stay overnight. Volubilis or Oulili in Morroccan is hectares of reuined Roman town remains, clealry mapped out with its triumphant arch standing. Our reciprocal photographic association was put in jeopardy by my dropping of his camera from a great hight onto a piece of Roman masonry. The site burned white hot and I had lost my cap along the way.The return journey was swift, and expensive. Matthias repeated to himself and our driver that they spoke the same language of business, a business which involved the dirve adding a good number of dihram to the final bill in an audacious act that Matthias seemed to think was his own working.


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