Friday, November 10, 2006

Olaf Henricson Bell Birthday Celebrations - Ightham, county of Kent

The #55 portrait is transported to its next custodian by virtue of his place in a series of turns.

Mary with the cake that she made (in the form of Olaf's cat), and her cheese and cherry appertisers made in the style of underwater mines


Olaf, Mary, Matthew & Laura in an Ightham copse

Conference. The cherry and cheese appertisers go down well.

Experimentation with 'Nachos' proves to be a mere subterfuge, buying time in preperation for slices of pizza.


Blogger Deputy Dog said...

Good to know what you're up to.Some spelling mishtakes, Ian !! Could do better. For a really exceptional BLOG check mine out.

10:43 AM  
Blogger Ian Blaney said...

Glad to see that your doing a 'David' (Cameron)

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Family blogging, wow. Good photos Ian.

6:28 AM  

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