Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Timothy Swain joins the party at the Brighton Pavillion. A lot of carcks in the paint and plasterwok in evidence at the Pavillion. Rob Foulkes and Laura Allsop soon followed. Time was spent in the Laines.

Tim & Rob lend thier interpretation to a map of the local area in search of a special shop. What they fail to take account of is that the map is drawn for those who are on hallusagenic medicines, from the local 'alternative' pharmacies, and losses are cut at the gothic aircraft-hanger church. Many shops are stocked with manekins wearing stripy tights and army issue jackets, for the youth demographic.


Local artwork coverted several buildings.

Putting on a good show: 'the washing line'.

Gullible travails.

An order is made for chips.

Walking the pier. Money changing for the purpose of conversion to the local currency, tokens for fairground rides.

By the ghost train, a broomstick eyesore.

A Tarot caravan. Corporate clients include Glaxo Smithkline & Detsch Bank, who keep thier cards close to thier chest.

The wash comes close.


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