Friday, November 10, 2006

The morning removed from that

Ben & Anna

The shade really does suit me.

The day after the party see below I made my way as fast I could to attend the Archbishop (of Canterbury's) preaching at Southwark Cathedral, making a short stop at home to freshen up (ie rub a rough towel into my face, and pull my socks up).

A friend from my old home, Mr Ben Springhall, and his girlfriend Anna, were visiting from Durham, so I had invited them alongside. I did rather regret my judgement in this respect, for a long service (perhaps 90 minutes) is rather tedious for some, and I only remembered part way through that Anna is from a Jewish background. Nevertheless I think that they enjoyed thier attendence by the quayside waiting for the Archbsihop to arrive by boat, and handing out helium filled balloons to passers by.

The Archbishop and the Cathedral clergy. A photographer was at the head of the procession, as modern liturgiucal practice dictates.

The fish market and festival at the nearby Hay's Galleria where time was spent, and threafter a promenade alongside the Thames.


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