Friday, December 08, 2006

My second day in Marakech was partly spent attempting to find the location of an agency which would be able to post me on a guided trek of the mountains. Attempting in vain to find this I spent much of my day walking through desolate parts of the suburbs with thier concrete and iron strewn pitches and half-built houses. So many are half-built because of the expense requires thier inhabitants to construct them bit by bit whilst living in them, rather than because of failed speculations.

Various views of Marakech in the day time.

Typical alley in the old town with cobbled streets, studded doors and children kicking footballs. I suffered the usual embarassment of not caring a bit about football.

Young men retrieving aerial coconuts, or at least having a try.

The botanical gardens featuring bamboo with incised calligraphy. Here, like other places, appeared crowds of tourists, uncannily transported to each attraction without needing to pass through any of the intervening town.

Election columns for political advertisements on the wall of an educational college.

Sleeping cartsman.



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